Pass the Pequod please...

Have you noticed your Stabucks' cup
looking a little different now a days?

...well I have...

For this season Starbucks printed out a new "vintage Starbucks" sleeve. And upon seeing it, it brought me back to one of my favorite speeches from my oral communication class two years ago, back to my "Pequod" speech. The vintage {and original} logo made me think of Pequod. The name Pequod comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, a classic American novel and is the name of the ship in the novel. The owners, of what would soon be Starbucks, though the word Pequod sounds silly and wasn't a proper name for their coffee business so they went with Star bo, and a place on the ship Pequod, and tweaked it to perfection till they got to the solution: Starbucks.

... That was kind of how my speech went, just a little more wordy and with a bit more eloquence. Anyways I remember seeing the original logo, the one currently on the cup sleeves, while doing my research for my speech and brings me back to some good memories ...

Have you had any Pequod lately?


Rubyellen said...

we miss you much!

Angie said...

Moby Dick was one of the worst books I've ever (tried/had to) read. But It's nice that it's brought some inspiration to a world I can relate to.

Unknown said...

not a starbucks kinda guy. actually i'm not a coffee guy at all. i have enough energy in my soul that i don't need coffee. now did you notice the five dollar bill looks different now?