The people sing ... the people sing ...

Just about every Sunday, I am given an opportunity to worship with a small group of beautiful and talented girls who really know how to rock out.

Every opportunity we've been given as a praise team has been a learning experience and blessing, but each has had it's shares of ups and or downs. As a praise team we definitely aren't perfect, and as individuals we aren't as well. But when it comes down to worship, it's the Lord's perfection that inspires each of us to do the very best our hearts can muster.

In the past few days I was beautifully reminded just how contagious passion can be, and how powerful of a force passion really is. Passion can unite, passion can inspire, passion can compel and passion can bring joy. And in serving with my sister's in Christ this weekend, I felt a beautiful passion fill our hearts and our lungs which made for beautiful worship.

Lately I've been excited about the song Hosanna, and it's become a tool of inspiration to me in terms of worship. I couldn't contain myself when I would talk to the girls about how musically ... it was lovely, but lyrically it has moved me. And in sharing that, it's been a song that has inspired them as well, and I can't tell you how much it is a joy to see others become passionate and inspired right before your eyes.

It's a little joke between the six of us girls that we're always lacking something. Like "lets use this time, or the lack there of, to practice" ... haha ... but I find that in everything we do lack, we end up finding it in the Lord. When were are broken or tired, we find the strength in the Lord. When we are direction-less, we find direction from the Lord. When we lack peace, peace of mind, we find peace in serving the Lord, and that's when everything begins to fall into place.

It's a blessing to walk into a space, or run into a chorus where you can feel the Lord moving, moving silently among the people or among the chords, among the beats or through the words.

I am also so blessed and privileged to go into worship ever week with this wonderful and talented group of my sisters.


sharyl said...

awwww... super cute awesome pics! i miss the jammin' days...

delete said...

rooooock on !