
Early this morning my favorite green eyed Mexican in the whole world hopped on a plane to make her big move to Mexico. A lot of the last two weeks have been spend saying our goodbyes and reminiscing about both high school and middle school memories. I'm going to miss her like crazy.
I took this shot of her the other day, in her beautiful back yard, and in her own beautiful handmade creation. She is a fashion graduate and man ooh man is she good. She puts my dress making skills, or lack there of, to shame.
This Silk gown is only one of many of a fabulous creations. Here entire senior collection is to die for. I know exactly who is making my wedding gown :) hehehe.. anyways .. I'm serious gonna miss this girl.

Her and her freaking beautiful smile!
Hugs and kisses my dear! {Ps. Your dresses are amazing ..
I was about to steal it and bring it home with me!}

I'm going to miss my Topi!

Till I either visit Mexico City, or till she comes home to visit ..
I'll miss her terribly.

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