What started out as one simple blind date last year ... turned out to be soo much more.

(Tim and I last year)

Us ... a year later

Last year's "blind date" would have never happen if it weren't for these two lovely ladies.

The double last year

The double this year

The four of us in full matching outfits

Me and the Chateau last year

Me and the same three fellas this year.

Me and Tim's roommate last year.

Me and the ex-roommate this year. (I joined him with the big eyes this year)

Me and the current roommate .... with last year's roommate lingering behind. HAHA.

Last year I caught a newbie ( Tim's other roommate)

This year I caught the king! (Still Tim's other roommate)

The original chateau and the dates last year...

The original chateau and their ladies this year.

Gangsta last year (me... not so much)

Gangster this year (still not so much...lol)

goofing off last year

Looking hot this year

Stolen accessory last year...

My accessory for the evening this year: My mask
I love cake.

Our masks

The original chateau ladies.. hehe... we heart our guys

The fellas in full masquerade attire.
(They just had to be the silliest group of guys ever)

And the ladies.

He's cake.... and apparently I'm a fat kid.
Great date! Who knew last year's semi date would turn out the way it did ... making this year's semi... just another wonderful date to add to our growing little list. YAY for blind dates and a year of wonderful memories.
love this entry! <33
p.s. u guys give me kiligs XD
ica!!! that is sooo cute!! I'm so happy for you!!!
*sniff* my little girl's all grown up... >>>kiliggggg<<< heheheh
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