with all my art

Ladies and gentlemen,
my one hundredth blog.

Since it's my 1ooth blog here on blogger, I decided to take a look at how this all began. On June 13 this summer I opened up my bible and devotional, ready to jump into God's word.

June 13, 2007
With all my art
READ: Exodus 35:30-35
[The Lord] has filled him with the Spirit of God . . . to design artistic works. Exodus 35:31-32

Why plant flowers? You can't eat them," said my father-in-law after witnessing my spring ritual of filling pots with fragrant and colorful treasures from the garden store. Jay's dad is an engineer—a practical sort of person. He can make anything work, but making it beautiful is not a priority. He values function over form, usefulness over aesthetics.

God created us with different gifts. Engineers who work for the glory of God design machines that make life easier. The Lord also created artists, who make life more pleasant by creating beautiful things for the glory of God and the enjoyment of others.

When we think of art in worship, we usually think of music. But other art forms have long had a role in glorifying God. The calling of Bezalel demonstrates God's regard for fine art (Ex. 35:30-35). God commissioned him to beautify the first official place of worship: the tabernacle. God's purpose for the arts, says Gene Edward Veith, is "to glorify God and to manifest beauty.

"When artistic talent is enlivened by the Spirit of God, it becomes an act of worship that then can become a witness to point people to Christ. God has greatly enriched our lives with beauty. And we in turn express our gratitude by displaying His glory in our art. —Julie Ackerman

Father, may our work—whatever it may be—draw the kind of attention
that causes others to praise and worship You. Amen.
Do all things for the glory of God.

After reading such wonderful words I started to go at my work with a very different heart. The Lord was telling me exactly what I needed to hear, inspiring me and encouraging me in all my artistic endeavours. "with all my art" became my silent mantra.

Some time soon after I started to look for a new place to share not only my art, but my inspirations as well, so I created this blog. At that time I still had my beloved xanga still up and running, but my xanga was a much more personal place rather than an artistic place.

From time to time I still return to this devotion when I need artistic inspiration, or when I need encouragement in continuing my journey into the design industry. Also when I find myself doubting my artist abilities I come back to these very words to remind me that I've been given this gift and love for art from my Heavenly Father and that through Him I can do anything.
I've kept these words to myself for far too long so in blogging this beautiful devotion I hope and pray that it moves you and inspires you as well. Like I wrote to my friend Ruby,
"May the Lord lead us, and inspire us to created beautiful things ... emulating all the beauty He bestows."

.Happy blogging and Happy crafting.
-with all my art

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