It was a blissful Fourth of July, and a festive one at that.
The fam, the kiddies and the second family,
and Tim went out crabbing and fishing for the day.
and Tim went out crabbing and fishing for the day.
Crabs love chicken. The secret behind the yummy-ness.
As Gabby and her Papa continued to fish,
Tim and Tim got some one and one time.
Tim and Tim got some one and one time.
Tim-Tim pulled out his Tae Kwon Do moves ...
... as Tim pulled out his handstand skills.
Tim-Tim and his kicks.
Tim and his cube.
The boys.
And the girls.
The kiddies were all over Tim.
Little girls on beach towels with big hats and sun screen ... Cuteness.
{As I sat in the grass and watched the world around me I was in bliss just being able to breath for a day and spend time with my loved ones. And this shot is not anything spectacular but it's one of a few shots that totally captures the power of my lens' wide angle. And the little vignette that happens in some of my shots is from the lens itself.}
BBQ and watermelons made for a delicious lunch.
Later we headed of to a more secluded pier where the catch was much better.
Then Tim headed off to work after lunch, and though I wish he could have stayed, it was nice to wake him up nice and early and get him out of the house where he might have just spent the day all by himself till work came a calling.
If you're wondering if I caught anything ... I can proudly say I did, and I'm pretty sure I caught the fattest crab of the bunch. I think we caught a good 20 crabs or so through out the day.
We make quite a lovely team the 8 of us.
To end the day of crabbing with a bang
and sister dearest jumped off the pier
into the murky water below.
and sister dearest jumped off the pier
into the murky water below.
Then my cousins came!!!
... and we went off to take a look at my Uncle Joe's boat.

we searched for it in the boat yard ... and TADA!
we searched for it in the boat yard ... and TADA!
Aint it lovely? Hehe Kidding, this isn't the one.
This is their boat, The Blue Diamond III
We all jumped on board and took a little tour.
Downstairs was a little kitchen, and two beds ... this a few of the larger of the two.
Then we escaped to the front of the boat.
and brave little Gabby and my ate stood up front too.
After the boat tour we headed home towards a massive storm .. only to head out to our other cousins' 4th of July party with surprises in store. So much to post, and I'll get to doing so as soon as I am able.
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