It's been forever and a day since I blogged {I've been saying that alot lately ... sorry} about anything inspiring on the artist front so here is the whole Month of May in collections. These are just a handful of collections I found last month that both inspired me and encouraged me with all things artful. I hope these bring you the same inspiration, these artist are truly talented.
According to Your Face "real people don't read your blog". So to prove the world wrong Your Face is a blog dedicated to drawing real people who have sent their own pictures in. {I love the concept} Each drawing is corky and fun and if you want your lovely face drawn and blogged for the world to see that you are a real person go on and send in your pretty little face!

There are many talented Filippino artist out there, and here are two who 's work I've come to adore. Mimi and Karl Photography is a Philippines based wedding photography team who's work is classy and beautiful.

Cindymindypindy's Etsy shop is one of kind. Her paper cutting work is incredibly detailed, delicate, and darling. I've never had that much patiences with my exacto knife so I can only imagine how much time and effort these piece took. Her Scherenschnitte blog is lovely just the same.

"Here is my heart Lord, take and seal it"
There are not enough word to describe how beautiful this piece it. It's based on the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing apparently a hymn near and dear to the artist, Cindy's heart.
There are not enough word to describe how beautiful this piece it. It's based on the hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing apparently a hymn near and dear to the artist, Cindy's heart.

More beautiful photography by artist: Jennifer Skog

I only dream of having my own place one day and Michelle Christina's wall decal embody all that I want to do with my own space. I've had this dream of painting a huge mural on my bedroom walls {something like 50 first dates} and Michelle Christina is like the next best thing and without the mess of paint.

I know this blog has been along time coming, but I'm trying to find new inspiration where ever I can get it, so that in turn I can share them with the world, but lately it hasn't been the easiest task. I'll be hunting down inspiration as I am able to but im hoping these collections well suffice for the time being.
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