It's been about two weeks since my sister's birthday, and we didn't get too fancy with celebrating but we did have a great time with midnight candles and birthday dinners.
There's one thing you should know about me and my little family, we adore FRIENDS. My sister is the biggest fan out of the three of us and has the entire FRIENDS series on dvd thanks to the ever so thoughtful homeboy of my mine, Terrence {WHO IS COMING HOME IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS!! Praise God!!}.
Anyways one of me and sister's favorite episodes is when Chandler asks Monica to marry him in their ever so lovely candle lit apartment. And because me and my sister and mom love each other so darn much we like to do the sweet stuff for each other when there is no one else to do it for us and or to us ... so me and mother went ahead and lit the living room on fire with 24 yummy smelling candles, a bouquet of pretty roses and daisies {sister's favorites} and at midnight we brought on the birthday cheer!
And for her real present I wanted to get her something really good and something she really wanted, not some lame 5 second present. My ate's been more than great these last couple months it was finally my chance to thank her for it and shower her with much love!
Me and mother combined forces and bought her a lovely red Zune { The Microsoft Ipod equivalent} because she'd been talking about getting it for some time. She was thrilled and I'm so happy that I was finally able to do some spoiling on my end for once.
After the candles were blown out, we didn't call it a night just yet but we ending up having an impromtu dinner party at 1 am, but it was great fun and boy way it yummy!
During the day my sister was surprised with a slew of beautiful flowers, presents and balloons ... the quintessential makings of a grand birthday.
And as simple as they may be, balloons have this magical way of brightening up the day.
Of course sister was enjoying all of it!
Ok before I go on and describe our lovely dinner ... during the course of the day a few tornadoes touched down just miles from where we live, and while me and my sister were both at work we were completely terrified. To make matters worse, we weren't together. In really bad storms me and my sister like to cuddle and keep each other safe ... which is probably the only time you'll see us both get mushy with the sister love. We joke that my sister caused the storm because of her birthday! Hahah.. kidding. Ok moving on ...

For dinner we headed out to Coastal Flats, the next best thing from our OH-SO-AMAZING Silverados (which we miss sooo much), but the wait was long so Em gave her present before dinner.

For dinner we headed out to Coastal Flats, the next best thing from our OH-SO-AMAZING Silverados (which we miss sooo much), but the wait was long so Em gave her present before dinner.
Em's cards were great and the Steve Wonder Cd was perfect, that's soo her.
I love my sister.
Then there was dinner.
{" a tall glass of lemonade..."}
What yummy fun.
We were on a mission to end the night in time to get some amazing sweets for dessert ... but we failed, yet there's always next time. Cakelove ... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Sister's birthday was a very chill one, but in it's simplicity it was grand, just like my sister. I love her beyond any words I can ever muster and I am soo proud to be her baby sister. She brings the meaning of "wear your heart on your sleeve" to a whole nother level, but that's hands down her greatest quality. Her love has the greatest intensity I know and couldn't ask for a more beautiful sister, and friend.
Sister's birthday was a very chill one, but in it's simplicity it was grand, just like my sister. I love her beyond any words I can ever muster and I am soo proud to be her baby sister. She brings the meaning of "wear your heart on your sleeve" to a whole nother level, but that's hands down her greatest quality. Her love has the greatest intensity I know and couldn't ask for a more beautiful sister, and friend.
I love you ate. Forever.
- Baby sis
{Mother's birthday is just a day away!}
- Baby sis
{Mother's birthday is just a day away!}
1 comment:
i absolutely ADORE friends! i have the whole series on dvd as well, and watch a disk every night!
my roommate is just as obsessed and she recently (like 2 months ago) got engaged and her man did the same thing as chandler and monica with all the Candles how could she say no to that!
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