Handmade and Homemade Valentine Goodness

One of my favorite parts of this past week was hand making my Valentine's cards for my mom, sister, and my Tim. hehe ... I was so giddy making these little things and I believe they were a pretty big hit!!! And though I'll save the homemade goodness I whipped up for Valentine's day for another entry ... that part was a very close second place!!!

Before I share the actual cards, I put them all in brown paper packages because I figured I send way to many handmade packages out for complete strangers ... I need to do it more often for the people I love. Now .. here are the cards.
{my big sister's "ate's" card}

{my mom's card}

*The picture of the shadow heart is really of my mom and I!! It's one of my favorites!!

{my tim's card}

*That's the heart shaped chicken nugget we really had one day .. hehe

All three cards were made with lots and lots of love...

I had such a great time making them .. and I have a totally new love for cardboard and scrapbook paper, I can't wait to make more cards. Lastly I added a little something something inside Tim's package ... and I printed it from The Small Object's freebies. They are tooo awesome for words.

Me and Tim thumb wrestled on our first Valentine's date together .. I thought this would be cute for our third.

1 comment:

myrrh said...

awesome cards! oh yea..hehe tim told me about the "thumb wrestling" hehehe