For Labor Day our church got together to have a little picnic.
{Something we haven't done in a long time}
Club Nikon!!! Hehe ... don't you love the skill?
Jammin' in the shade.
Once every started arriving we went ahead and sang some songs.
While singing a few songs ...
Em-em's guitar crashed right into my little toes.
All while Pastor was talking and about to pray. Hahah.
{Terrence just happen to be ready with my camera to capture such moments. Thanks brother!}
We were suppost to take the kids swimming, but the line for the Water Mine was about a 2 hour wait so we opted not to go, instead we hung around and played games. First we played "Human Dragons" and my ate and Terrence just happen to be the team leader.. hehe
And on Terrence's team, one of the married ladies was getting a little to comfortable ... lol ... everyone couldn't help but laugh.
Some one had his game face on. hehe
Then they were off...
The object of the game was for each of the teams to direct their blind folded team leaders towards the direction of the other team's tail, first to capture the other's wins. I'm not sure who one the first round ... but second time around Tim was one of the team leaders. hehe.
And of course shots were fired .. from both me and bestie!

For some of the games I played with my handsome little Godson!

Or hung out under the trees with my favorite people.
{I stole the last four shots i was in from my lovely bff!}
Later a few people played ... I'm not sure what its called
... but something like Match the body parts? hehe.
My two favorite guys made watching to much fun.
"Cheek to Cheek!!" hehe
On the sidelines one of my other favorite boys was wide awake and giggly.
What a fun day.
oh how fun! i miss agape picnics...
Ica-Boodle.. I LOVE your pics of Elijah-pot...
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