Mission trip Count down

{7 days to go}

This time next week I'll be well on my way to my first official mission trip. I've done plenty of stuff with the outreach and evangelism committee in my church, but I've never had the opportunity to go on a full on trip till now. I'm not going anywhere like Capetown, South Africa or Nairobi, Kenya or even out of the country, I'm only going to West Virginia but location isn't so important when it comes to serving the Lord.

When a girlfriend of mine threw me the information about the trip and asked if I'd be interested, without a single hesitation, I said yes. And without her even asking me if I could go, my heart already said yes as well.

Next weekend from Friday to Sunday I'll be spending the weekend working with an organization called Samaritan's Feet washing hundreds of little feet and giving out love through pairs shoes. Here's a little bit of information about Samaritan's feet that I took from their website.

"Samaritan's Feet is an International ministry focused on bringing a life-changing message of hope to youths and children through sports and recreational adventures. We provide relief to hurting people displaced due to poverty, ravaged wars, and religious persecution. We demonstrate compassion by washing and equipping their feet with shoes, and touching their hearts with the love of God."

Besides washing feet and giving out shoes we'll be leading both a revival service and worship service with the church we're working with. I'm so excited about this trip, and I can't wait to go. I've always wanted to go on a mission trip, halfway around the world or just around the corner. It's always been a passion of mine, but one that I'm so limited with.

Once I have the chance to really travel, after traveling back to the Philippines first, the next thing on my agenda is to go on a mission trip abroad. I'd love to spend a few months a way from all that I know, a way from the comforts of my own home, a way from the comforts of my daily life and service the Lord by working with and ministering to those who have much less than I. Of course one day I'd love to travel for myself, "see the world" and stuff like that, but that can wait... I can wait. There are more urgent things in the world, much more important things than traveling for my enjoyment. I'm not sure I was made to be a missionary or anything like that but I do love serving the Lord. Lets see what the Lord has planned for me in the future...


Mary 'Em' said...

i'm so excited for you! yeaa, even though it's not somewhere far away, God is still going using you in great ways...it doesn't have to be for Him to do so :)

man...guess who again? i TOTALLY forgot i had this blog too. i signed up for it sometime in august and i have no idea when. LOL.

Anonymous said...

hey girl, yeah, i totally remember. hope everything is going well with you. have fun and be safe on your mission trip.

My name is Frances said...

Oh what a blessing it is to serve the Lord with gladness!
Just wanted to say hi and we miss you girls and our hanging out together was way to brief!
Hope all is well,
frances t.
p.s. If you don't know already (we posted on our fam website)we're pregnant again!

Mr. Nice Guy said...

i wish i could go to a mission trip like that! i ove helping people out like that. my youth group is part of Gawad Kalinga (check it out online because it would take too long to explain lol), and we build homes for the homeless in the Philippines!

i hope you have a wonderful experience there! i cant wait for your pictures!!!