Show and tell: I'll show you what I'm loving from the graphic design industry right now, and then I'll tell you why I'm loving it. Since I'm currently at a standstill in my design education I like to engulf myself in what's actually out there and keep myself up to date. Hope you like these few designers as much as I do.

Karan Singh is a 20 year old from Sydney AU who's designs are retro with a skater boy twist. His use of color inspires me and lead me on a search for even more colorful work.

Check out to see the brilliant and colorful work of Chuck Anderson. His work contains an originality like none other. His most recognizable work right now is probably Fall Out Boy's latest album cover , Identify on High.

I met the darling designs of Jill Bliss a long long time ago without even knowing it. Last semester when I had a big 3 hour break between my typography and 2d-3d classes I would retreat over to Borders and get lost in my own little world of pages and letters. One of those days I got lost in the journal section of the store (I collect them by the way, and yes I write in them, that would explain the blogging tendencies) and saw these darling journals designed by Jill Bliss. I was instantly drawn to not only the lovely covers, but also the beautifully designed pages that were inside the journals. Empty pages never looked so beautiful. But sad to say I didn't get a Jill Bliss designed journal that day because by the time I stumbled over them I had already purchased a different journal. "You can't have it all" .... i like to say. Then just the other day I stumbled upon her portfolio online, what a delight.

On the contrary to their name, I love Their designs are fun to look at and this group of logos they've created reassures me that logos can still hold alot of personality, detail and originality but still be fairly simple and versatile.
Lastly Studio Radia. Sorry I'm unable to post a picture of some of their work right now ... I'll get one up as soon as I can. But in the mean time, let me tell you about Studio Radia. Simplicity is key with this studio but is very powerful and effective. I came upon their work when a professor of mine suggested great design museums to go to and mention the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum in New York (By the way I heart art museums. I could go to one everyday and probably never get bored.) Since I've been itching to go to the Cooper Hewitt Museum I've done my research and looked into some of their merchandise and liked their designs which lead me to Studio Radia who's also done branding development for Napster and Virgin Air.
Next show and tell: I'll share a few answers to my "(I LOVE THIS!) Who designed it?" question. Like who designs the Urban Outfitter's catalogue, and who designs some of the latest and hip christian magazines, or who are some more Filipino graphic designers out there. Also, because my favorite graphic designs usually go hand in hand with photography I'll also share some photographers I can't keep my eyes off of. Till then please feel free to show me what you love (pertaining to graphic design or art of any form). My sister is really good at that and usually introduces me to stuff she knows I'll like even if we have pretty different styles and taste but sharing art and designs is great fun.
i love jill bliss! i bought a set of postcards from urban a long time ago, and they happened to be from her collection. she has great stuff, especially planners.
but like you said, you cant have it all. i opted for a different type of planner.
miss you!
hi ica!!! beee-yootiful stuff! hope you're doing well :)
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