Last night was quite exciting. Me and my sister decided to have a web cam party with a few of our friends. It started off with two of us, and by the end of the night we had four people in on the party. Ok... four may seem like a little number... but have you ever tried typing while viewing 3 other video feeds at the same time? It's gets pretty confusing. I was laughing on the floor when my friend Tyrone did his "clean dance" with a Tide bottle and an iron... later he wrapped himself up with toilet paper looking like one funky mummy. My girl Em-em feed us her dinner through the computer screen and the laughs went on for hours. My ate took over for most of the time as I went off to make my first sewing project in months. I made a pillow case and it turned out ok, but I can't wait to make more. I should really go and find my little red sewing machine that I got for my birthday last year. I think one of my friends has it hostage in her house somewhere. And if I can't find "rex" (my sewing machine), I think I will go out and get some yarn and find my crochet needles and knitting gear. It's getting cold out so it's time to bring out the scarfs and hats.
Maybe I'll go make my godson some booties.
hahaha. i love web cam chats! my friends and i just started using video confernece mode and our macs are awesome! good times...
ahh wrong account..this is mine ica...i started one yesterday..i was inspired by you and your work to make one :)
- tim tolentino
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