Till then I thought I should post pictures from last Sunday. Why was last Sunday so super? Well there wasn't really anything special going on, and for the most part it a pretty emotional day.. But I say it's super because every Sunday, Superbowl Sunday or not, when you spend it in the Lord's house, and with the people you love ... is always a Super Sunday.
Sunday I woke up to a letter I failed to open the day before.
I loved that it was personalized and cutesy. Thanks ate Sha!
Later I was brought back down memory lane as I took pictures of Gabby, my sister's goddaughter.
If you ask anyone who was there when I was growing up, Gabby's like my mini me and is a spitting image of me when I was her age.
When I looked close, I didn't just see a little girl who reminded me of me on the outside, but I saw so much more. I saw hope and possibilities in her eyes and I pray that when it's her turn to be twenty I hope that she is blessed with all that she's ever hoped or dreamed of.
The Word.
Long shadows on nursery walls.
(Thought this is not my own. But the National Cathedral
... Also the view outside Uncle Jun's new DC apartment.)
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